Sharm el sheikh
Cultural tours


Mount Sinai (or Mount Moses) is the most famous mountain on the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, where, according to the Bible, God appeared to Moses on this mountain and gave to him the Ten Commandments.
On this mountain there is also the Monastery of St. Catherine, located at an altitude of 1570 meters in the valley between the mountains of Moses, Catherine and Safsafa. The monastery was built during the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian (527-565).
On the territory of the monastery grows the Burning Bush – a bush in the flames of which, according to the Old Testament, God first appeared to the prophet Moses. In 324, the mother of Emperor Constantine, Helena, ordered the construction of a chapel on the site of the Burning Bush.


tour program:

Departure from your hotel for Climbing Mount Moses is always between 19:30 / 21:00 (depending on the location of your hotel in Sharm el-Sheikh) an english-speaking guide will pick you up from your hotel by bus for the excursion to Mount Moses. Drive almost 130 km to the foot of the mountain. After almost 2/3 hours you arrive at a police checking point, where they check your documents (You must have your passport with you and another photo copy of your passport to give it to police).
After passing the police checking point, the climbing the mountain begins.
You will be accompanied by a Bedouin guide, he will climb the mountain with you.
Mount Moses is 2,285 meters above sea level of the sea, and you can climb it from the monastery in two hours.
There are two possible routes to the top:
The first is 3,750 steps carved into the rocks by monks.
The second was laid in the 19th century, and you can even climb it on camels ( only a part of the road can be passed on a camel ); it is considered easier.
(To make the excursion easier for people, local Bedouins offer to rent a camel). (cost from $15).

The peculiarity of this excursion, Climbing Mount Moses, is that it begins under the cover of night to meet the sunrise on the the yo of the mountains.
In the morning, after meeting the sunrise at the top of the mountain, everyone goes down to the cafe to have breakfast (we recommend you to take breakfast box from your hotel with you).

After breakfast, we will visit the monastery of St. Catherine. The name of the monastery is associated with the young Christian Catherine, who preached to the pagan Roman emperor Maximian and was executed for ridiculing idolatry.
According to legend, after her martyrdom, the angels carried the body of the saint to the highest point of Sinai. And only centuries later, her relics were discovered by monks and transferred to the monastery.
In the monastery: you will see ancient icons, you will be able to see the relics of St., a view of the Burning Bush growing here on the territory, the Chapel of the Burning Bush, the Well of Moses and others!

Attention: Holidays in the Monastery of St. Catherine for 2024.
The monastery will be closed on these days, therefore, the trip does not include a visit to the monastery on these days.

6, 18, 19 and 27 January
15 February
18, 19 and 20 March
27 April
1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 May
13 and 24 June
12 July
19 and 28 August
21 and 27 September
14 November
4, 6, 7 and 9 December

What is included:

  1. Transfer from your hotel and return;
  2. All transfers in the program are carried out by air-conditioned car;
  3. Tour guide;
  4. Entrance tickets to all mentioned attractions.

Cosa What is not included:

  1. Drinks.
  2. camel rental for the climb up the mountain.
  3. Additional expenses not included in the program.

What to take with you?

Take with you:

  1. Passports.
  2. Copy of your passport to give it to police).
  3. Headwear.
  4. Drinking water.
  5. Breakfast box (pre-order at the hotel).
  6. Money for personal expenses.
  7. Comfortable clothes and shoes.
  8. Warm clothes for climbing to the top at an altitude of over 2200 meters up to 5-8 degrees Celsius.
  9. Light backpack for things and water.

timming and duration

Tour start: Departure around 20:00 (depending on your hotel location in Sharm El Sheikh).
Return to hotel: Around 13:00 / 14:00 in the afternoon (next day).
Duration: 18 hours.
Days of the tour:
Monday (Departure on Sunday evening)
Thursday (Departure on Wednesday evening)
Saturday (Departure on Friday evening)
Attention: Book the excursion Climbing Mount Moses one day before the start of the excursion, payment at the beginning of the trip. If the bus is late for 10 minutes, you need to call us immediately.



Adults: 22 euros
Children from 5 to 11 years: 11 euros
Children from 0 to 5 years: free


To book an excursion to Cairo by plane from Hurghada:


  1. We need from you please:
  • Name of the hotel;
  • Room numbers;
  • Photos of passports where names and surnames;
  1. We send a car to the hotel to receive the deposit of 100 euro per person;
  2. We recieve the deposit and give to you a prepaid check (Deposit receipt);
  3. At this moment we directily start to book your flight tickets in your name.
  4. On the eve of the excursion, I will write to you at what time the bus will come to the hotel for you and what you need to take with you and where to wait for the bus
  5. The remaining amount of the money will be paid by you in cash on the day of the excursion.
  6. Write to us (from home or from your hotel) a massage via:
    WhatsApp: +2010 2224 0504
    Viber: +2010 2224 0504
    or call us: +2010 2224 0504. Private Cairo day Tour from Hurghada Private Cairo day Tour from Hurghada



5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 349 reviews)
Very good4%

Pływanie z delfinami

July 6, 2023

Skorzystaliśm z tej oferty bardzo profesjonalnie przygotowana. Punktualnie i bez pospieszna. Bardzo atrakcyjna cena w porownani z ofertami w hotelu. Polecam korzystanie z ofert Nil Voyage Tout

Avatar for Marcin

Рас Мохаммед на автобусе

July 6, 2023

Съездили сегодня на эту экскурсию. Впечатлений уйма, спасибо нашему гиду Миге за подробную экскурсию, всë рассказал, всë показал, нырял вместе с нами к кораллам.

Один минус, который не испортил впечатление от экскурсии.

В информации к экскурсии написано, что за аренду оборудования для снорклинга надо заплатить 2$ за предмет, но информация устаревшая, теперь 4$. Рекомендую к посещению, объекты действительно впечатляющие! Большое спасибо, уже выбираем новую экскурсию! 😊

Avatar for Миралем


May 30, 2023

Очень понравилась экскурсия “золотой Луксор”. Абсолютно всё на 100%. Даже обед вполне нормальный. Отдельная благодарность гиду Bassima, если правильно помню его имя)

Avatar for Ж.Ж.


May 30, 2023

On May 30, 2023, we went diving.

I found this organization through a Google search. I was attracted by the price, only $20.

Everything started at 7:40 a.m. and ended at 5:00 p.m. We were picked up from the hotel at 7:40 a.m. and brought to the hotel at 5:00 p.m.

Everything that is included in the price is written on the website.

Lunch: there was rice, very tasty pasta, very tasty potatoes, two very tasty salads. Delicious chicken cutlets, lyula kebab, fish.

Coca cola, water, tea, coffee.

The dive was conducted by an experienced diver, water got into my mask and mouth, I gestured that I wanted to go up. The instructor took me to the surface of the water.

It was difficult to dive, the masks let water through. I was embarrassed to ask for a new mask.

I was with a child who is 2 years old, these guys entertained my child. Show program at the highest level.

Class. I swam in the open sea with my child, my son was delighted. He enjoyed swimming with photographer Amir.

I recommend this company.

30.05.2023 ми їхали на дайвінг.

Дану організацію найшла через пошук гугл. Мене привабила ціна, всього 20$.

Все почалось в 7:40год, закінчилось в 17:00 годині. З Готелю нас забрали в 7:40 годині, в готель привезли в 17:00 годині .

Все що входить в ціну пише на сайті.

Обід: був рис, макарони дуже смачні, картопля дуже смачна, два дуже смачних салати. Котлети курячі смачні, люля кебаб, риба.

Кока кола, вода, чай, кава.

Занурення проводив досвідчений дайвер, мені потрапила вода в маску і в рот, я показала жестом що хочу наверх. Інструктор мене вивів на поверхню води.

Було складно занурюватись, маски пропускали воду. Мені було соромно попросити нову маску.

Я була з дитиною якій 2 роки, ці хлопці розважали мою дитину. Шоу програма на найвищому рівні.

Клас. Плавали у відкритому морі з моєю дитиною, мій син був в захваті. Йому сподобалось плавати з фотографом Аміром.

Я рекомендую цю компанію.

Avatar for Tetiana

Золотой Луксор. Каир. Индивидуальный тур

May 15, 2023

Мы первый раз выбрались в Египет всей семьёй. По отзывам туристов нашли приемлемый для себя вариант путешествия по стране фараонов. Заказывали два ключевых индивидуальных тура на семью через турагентство “НИЛ ВОЯЖ” и не прогадали: цена демократичная , сервис на хорошем уровне и логистика удобная, всё продумано до мелочей! Сразу видно,что люди в этой компании работают добросовестно! Ехали в Египет от компании Coral Travel и ценники у них на индивидуальные туры в Луксор и Каир просто “драконовские”! Очень советую рассматривать предложения от турагентства “НИЛ ВОЯЖ”, ребята работают без обмана!

Avatar for Арина
Sunrise on Mount Sinai ( Mount Moses)